速報APP / 遊戲 / Infinity Missile

Infinity Missile





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:3799 Hart Country Lane

Infinity Missile(圖1)-速報App

Fly your plane and avoid the incoming missiles for as long as you can!

- Use your fingers to control the plane with on-screen joystick

- Collects coins and use them in the Shop to buy new planes & upgrades

- Collect Power-ups like Shield, Boost, Shockwave, etc. to help destroy and evade these missiles

Download the game if you choose to accept this challenge of Man Vs. Missiles!

Infinity Missile(圖2)-速報App

Missile Escape features:

- Addictive arcade gameplay;

- Two game modes: Survival and Time Attack;

- Three control modes: touch, accelerometer and analog joystick;

- Collect stars to increase the final score and unlock new planes and upgrades;

Infinity Missile(圖3)-速報App

- Make the missiles collide with each other to increase final score;

- Survive as long as possible to stay at the top;

- A pursuer plane will randomly appear to knock you down! Can you defeat him?

- If one or both of the airplane wings has been hit, you can try to pick up the Tool power-up icon to fix your plane and win a second chance;

- Collect Energy Shield power-up icon to increase your chances against the missiles;

Infinity Missile(圖4)-速報App

- Shoot flares to attract missiles;

- Single engine planes, jet planes and spaceships available;

- Compete with other players on Google Play Leaderboards;

- 45 levels with 3 objectives each! Challenge yourself and try to beat them all;

- Complete mission objectives to earn stars;

Infinity Missile(圖5)-速報App

- Free casual game!

Missile Escape: Escape if you can!


2d, addictive, against, airplane, arcade, attack, avoid, casual, chance, collect, collide, dodge, emp, energy, escape, family, fast, final, increase, jet, missile, missiles, mode, objective, paced, plane, powerup, pursuer, score, shield, shoot, simple, stars, survive, time, unlock, upgrade.

Infinity Missile(圖6)-速報App